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The party takes a long rest and Orin's cursed staff turns him fully into a goat-human hybrid, complete with full horns.

With this level fully explored, the takes the service stairwell deeper into the Tomb of the Nine Gods

Hates Birds find out the throne room contains three blind artists whom he starts attacking.  

Finding Acererak's Throne Room

Zombie T-Rex

A zombie T-Rex bursts out of the floor and proceeds to munch on Hates Birds.  After escaping the T-Rex and obvilous to the pain, he continues to attack the blind artists.  



After touching the minotaur's skull, Hates Birds becomes affected by rage and starts attacking Diego, the party has to put him down to stop him.

The Maze


Diego gets sucked into the wall maze and Minotaur skeletons start attacking

Orin Casts Darkness

What's next for the party?

The party is battered and the Minotaur skeletons are not easily stopped.  They obviously have a "bone to pick" with the party.  Tune in Saturday, 10/17/2020 for more.