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Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 14 – Cathma Beheads A Grung
Exploring NangNang's shrine is the group's next action, where they are attacked by Grungs. Cathma beheads a grung. They manage to retrieve Nangnang's cube. Next they do Papazoli's shrine and rind out that Ras Nsi has beaten them to the cube.
Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 10 – The King of Feathers
While searching the amphitheater the party encounters a couple of dinosaurs. The party must also fight off the King of Feathers, a teleporting T-Rex. During the battle Moltak hits Thing with a lightning bolt. Next they enter Wongo's tomb and retrieve another cube.
Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 8 – The Heart of Ubtao
On day 18, giant wasps attack the adventurers. They fight off the wasps, and continue towards their objective. They eventually arrive at the Heart of Ubtao after 21 days in the jungle. They meet Valindra Shadowmantle who wants to “imprison” the cause of the death curse for study. After the meeting, the characters head to...
Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 7 – Girallon Attack and Qawasha Dies
Having gotten the general direction of the Lost City of Omu, the group sets out for the Heart of Ubtao. While on the way, our heroes have to fight off zombies and even zombie girallons. They encounter the Aldani. On the 17th day in the jungle, a zombie spewing t-rex takes out Qawasha leaving the...
Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 4 – Wild Boars Smoking Weed
The heros arrive at Camp Vengeance and somehow manage to leave. The groups main priority is stopping the death curse. They can't get tied up with the Camp's problems. They head for Mbala. On the way, the group finds a wand of wonder. A wild boar attack manages to claim the life of Qawsha's buddy...
Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 0 Campaign Rules
Game Time:   Saturdays 7pm – 11pm EST Planned Start: Jan 11, 2019 Campaign Length: Long Term Software Required: Fantasy Grounds (No license required), Discord Roleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50 Number of players: 6 Total, 1 Needed Rules for Character Generation Books Allowed: Any, but please contact me if you plan to use Unearthed Arcana. Races Allowed: Any Character Alignment: No evil alignments...
FG CON 14: The Haunt – That Damn Doll!
One of the games I ran during FG-CON 14 was The Haunt by P.B. Publishing.  The group consisted of three 4th level characters that had be hired by the town's mayor to investigate the disappearance of some travelers around an abandoned manor.  The mayor suspects that highwaymen are hiding out in the manor and are...