Our adventurers travel to Parnast to infiltrate Skyreach Castle and prevent the gold from reaching it's final destination. This would deliver a massive blow to the cults plans. While in the town bar, Kalak tries to pass himself off as a cult member by telling a story of Greg and the Ostrich. Once they board...
The Feathered Friends follow the clues to the Wizard Supply Depot and as always, a fight breaks out.
Zombies start appearing in the cemetery, and the Feathered Friends are forced to act. I used zombies from the Book of Beautiful Horrors in order to spice up the battle.
The group follows Jos and Rezmir thru the portal. They emerge high in the Graypeak Mountains. Kalak finally catches up with Talis, who offers them a deal so she can move up in the ranks of the cult. She sends them to Parnast to interfere with the gold being transported by Skyreach Castle.
While investigating the Feral Dog, Yorai starts one very strange bar fight. And Good Morning appears before the Masked Lords at a Council Meeting. Veela gets government funds for a victim's memorial.
With the street on fire, Good Morning orders the kobolds to help. And the kobolds become heros of the neighborhood for efficiently fighting the fire. The Feathered Friends start following the trail of the assassin to see who is behind the attempts. An aboleth traps some of the kobold sewer workers and the group has...
The group leads the coup against the castle and it goes as planned except they can't find Rezmir.
LET THE CHAOS BEGIN! Good Morning kicks off his mayoral campaign as the city is facing a guild strike, and a major sewer problem. Good Morning has a plan to fix the sewers. Algos gets work surveying the local cemetary. Veela's temple gets more followers every day. Veela participates in speed dating at the bar....
The group has found out that the treasure is being transported by the lizardmen to a castle in the swamp. The lizardmen are not happy about the treatment they receive from their bullywug and human bosses. Our group makes friends with a few of them and starts to stroke discontentment amongst them in hopes of...
While traveling back to Waterdeep, the group spends the night at the Black Rose Inn. They get awakened by the innkeeper's daughter saying her parents are missing. Things at the Black Rose Inn aren't exactly as they seem. Upon returning to Waterdeep, Good Morning introduces Veela to her new Temple of Finnigan.
The fifth day after leaving Waterdeep, ogres attack the wagon train and Agron goes down. They eventually make it to the roadhouse where they discover a trapdoor and lizardmen.
Two days before the wagon train reaches Waterdeep, there is a murder most foul. They meet Carlon's contacts Remallia and Ella before the wagon train leaves the city
The evil doll continues to mess with the group. Good Morning gets frightened by a lullaby.
The party draws unwanted attention as they continue on the road.
After the events of the hidden shrine, the party stops off at a tavern for a drink. They are approached my Mayor Greg looking for adventurers to investigate some missing persons. Naturally, they accept the job. Due to bad weather they are forced to take shelter in an abandoned manor near the area of the...
The Order of the Gauntlet offers our heroes a job. They are asked to follow the movement of the cult's stolen goods and find out it's final destination. They hire out as guards and etc on the wagon train to Elturel. They already have plans to meet with Leosin while in Elturel.
The exciting and F-ed up conclusion to the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Veela gets petrified. Yorai and Good Morning get into a fight. Algos “murders” Yorai, and somehow they escape from the Hidden Shrine.
After initially running from the kobolds, Agron & Kalack show up to join the fight. Things get worse when Frulum and his half dragon champion show up. Events turn bad for our group and they have to make a deal to escape.
This session starts a campaign long joke and character arc for our beloved Veela. She frees a trapped couatl from a crystal pillar. Veela has never seen anything more beautiful in her kobold life. Naturally she thinks it's the god Finnegan. Veela and her god are a plot point in Feathered Friends Waterdeep. Other items...
After getting Leosin back to Greenest, the party is summoned by Governor Nighthill who has a mission for them. Go back to the cultist camp and destroy the dragon nursery. When arriving back at the cultist's camp, they find it mostly deserted. Several guards and kobold servants are left in charge of the nursery. The...
The party encounters an Oni. Veela and Yorai get stuck in an illusion and the result is lots of slapping and ball kicking.
The group sets out following the cult's trail. They are forced to deal with the cult's rear guard. The captive cult members freely spill the location of the camp and the layout. The group dresses up in disguise and infiltrate the camp. Rescue of prisoner's is the group's priority. Leosin is among the captives.
The group triggers a weretiger attack. Good Morning obtains a Stone of Good Luck. Oh, and there's a roper attack in here too. 🙂
In this session, the group fights a wight and some fire beetles. Yorai goes berserk and has to be handled. Good Morning takes prisoners and Veela gets the swamp plague.
The Cult Of The Dragon appears with a half-dragon champion. The champion offers to fight Greenest's champion. Wog steps up to fight the champion, and immediately regrets it. The group does manage to capture a cultist that reveals information to them. Wog learns why a half-dragon champion is called a champion!
While exploring the western section of the shrine, Good Morning meets and eventually fights the King of Snails. They start venturing into the lower chamber.
Our party finds and enters the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. They find the sepulcher of Tloques-Poplocas and have to fight a vampire spawn.
Finding a shaman's lair leads to a fight with stirges, the discovery of the Glitterhome, more stirges, and Troglodytes.
Sorry no game recorded for this session
After sneaking up and disabling the guards at the door, our adventurers push on to discover more of the forge.
The party gets hired by a local noble to search the Dwarven forge for magic weapons. They soon discover that the abandoned forge, is actually inhabited by Orcs. So much for an easy mission.
After the conclusion of the Minotaur fight, Hates Birds triggers some gargoyle statues. Trigger them resulted in the death of Diego. Read the player written funeral post
As the group nears the town of Greenest, they see smoke coming over the horizon. As they get closer, they realize that the town is under a dragon attack. Our heroes rush into town to help save the townsfolk.
Moonbeam!! Moonbeam!! Moonbeam!! Moltak The party takes a long rest, and Orin's goat curse is in it's final stages. His hands and feet have become split-hoofs, and his horns are now full-size. Orin's tansformation into a human-goat hybrid is now complete. The party decides to take the maintenance stairwell down to level 4, and immediately...
I really didn't expect them to survive the beginning of this session, let alone survive the ending. Moltak surprised me with the druid monkey-man stone-shape maneuver. Kudos! GM Wintermute Our motley crue begins this session on the losing end of a wraith fight. Thing has been dispatched, Hates Birds is bleeding out, and tensions are...
Below is a background template that applies to any background that you select or create. You can replace or augment some or all of the options in your chosen background with one or more of the elements given below. Each section tells you whether it replaces or adds to your background. The Story Thus Far...
Game Time: Sundays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: October, 25 2020Campaign Length: Short Term (Length of Adventure)Software Required: Fantasy Grounds Unity (No license required), DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed: Core rules from Players Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Xanathar’s GuideRaces Allowed: Any except DragonbornAbility Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points per...
The group heads down to level 3, and proceeds to have a tough time. After painfully solving the secret of the waterfall, They find two eyeballs made of gemstones. Thing got possessed by iJin and now has two wand of wonders. iJin's possession means Thing is not following laid out plans. Bjorn and Hates Birds...
Game Time: Saturdays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: January 2021Campaign Length: Long TermSoftware Required: Fantasy Grounds (No license required), DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed: Core rules from Players Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Xanathar’s GuideRaces Allowed: Any except Dragonborn, TieflingsAbility Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: MAX Gold for your...
With the closed room rapidly filling with wine, the group has to get creative in order to survive. The group advances to level 8.
The group find's NangNang's tomb and a skeleton key. Next they encounter Withers, the steward of the stomb. In Papazatl's tomb, Orin finds a staff of striking and receives the curse that goes with it. He will slowly start turning into a goat. They discover the winery room. The doors shut, and the room is...
In another tomb, Bjorn gets possessed by Wongo. The find a secret stairwell where they have to fight tomb dwarves and tomb guardians. Thing Killed
At the entrance of the Tomb of Annihilation, one party member pushes over an obelisk and sets loose a demon on the party. After defeating the demon, they push on into the tomb. Bjorn gets possessed by Obolaka.