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Riddle of Grayhaven Session 3 – The Queens Cup and The Drow
The group has recovered the sacred gavel and made it safely back to the sewer's and the Lord Mayors hideout. They are going to enter the tournament in order to win the Queen's Cup. The winner's get an audience with the Queen and hope to convivence her to lift the oath's restrictions about leaving. When...
Riddle of Grayhaven Session 2 – The Heist
They have learned that a relic called the “Magister's Mace” in order to lift the travel restrictions placed on them by their oaths. The Lord Mayor's Ledger contains enough information for them to play a heist. Finding the information to reliable, they visit the mayor after the heist. Ratmek informs the Lord Mayor that they...
Not Curse of Strahd Session 0 – Character Creation and GM Notes
we will be starting curse of strahd at 10th level. 27 Point Buy, Max HP, 4000 gp, two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment, two potions of greater healing. You will be 12-14th level when you enter the castle. There will be no magic items available for purchase in Barovia, so choose wisely. Some will...
2021 Holiday Game Session 0 – Campaign Rules
Game Time:   Thursday December 23, 2021 @ 7PM ESTCampaign Length: One-Shot (4-6 hours)Software Required: Fantasy Grounds Unity (No license required), DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed:  AnyRaces Allowed: AnyAbility Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 8th Level Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: 2000 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp, normal...
Rise of Tiamat Session 16 – Fighting Tiamat
The conclusion to Rise of Tiamat. The Group fails to stop the mages and must fight Tiamat. Cheshire repeatedly tries to hop on Tiamat, and Tiamat does her best to eat him. Will the group be successful in saving Faerun and the Sword Coast?
Rise of Tiamat Session 13 – Fighting Fanatics and Mages
Things do not go well for the players in the tower as the party fights fanatics, mages, and elementals. The blue dragon mask turns out to be a fake. As a result of the groups involvement in cult matters, the blue dragon destroys a nearby village.
Rise of Tiamat Session 12 – Chuul In The Chuul Pool
Having a good lead, the group heads out to Xonthal's Tower in an attempt to capture Severin. They must navigate a maze in order to gain entry into the tower. One of the group learns that “Yes, there are Chuul in the Chuul pool. ”
Streets Unseen Session 1 – Cursed Statues
After making their way inside, the group immediately encounters excitement as they save a local from a runaway carriage. The group then manages to find Tykus' place and more clues.
Caravan of Peril Session 2 – Ogre and Goblins Attack
The caravan gets attacked and out group must earn their pay. Findazzle reveals a secret and the characters learn that there is a magic device that could alter the balance of power in the Greenwold. Days later, goblins decide to attack and they have an orc. Ratmek gets bitten and cursed by a were-goblin.
Rise of Tiamat Session 9 – The Cult Strikes Back
On the road back to Waterdeep, the Cult attempts to give some payback to our adventurers. Once safely back in Waterdeep, the party attends another council meeting. Delaan Winterhound of the Emerald Enclaive asks for help in prevent dragon attacks in the misty forest. The Council also decides to reach out to the Metallic Dragons,...
Secrets of the Greenwold Session 0 – Campaign Rules
Game Time:   Sundays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: September 12, 2021Campaign Length: LongTerm (Length of Adventure)Software Required: Fantasy Grounds Unity (No license required), DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed: Players Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, Xanathar’s Guide, Mordenkainens, Sword Coast Aventurers, Tortle Package, Races Allowed: AnyAbility Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points...
Rise of Tiamat Session 6 – The Sea of Moving Ice
The group sets out to find MacCath the Crimson in the north and to do that, they must cross the Sea of Moving Ice where they encounter giant octopi. They find the island they are seeking. The Ice Hunters who live on the island give the party the cold shoulder.
Rise of Tiamat Session 1 – Returning to Waterdeep and a Council Meeting
After taking Skyreach Castle, the group returns to Waterdeep and is immediately summoned to a Masked Lords' Council Meeting. They get two clues. The first is a lead on Varram the White, the holder of the white dragon mask. The second is a location on MacCaath the Crimson, who knows the most about the Draakhorn....