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(TIW) Session 0 – Character Creation and Game Rules
Rules for character creation Campaign Adventures: several third party adventures from levels 1-12.   Books Allowed: 2024 Players Handbook and Tasha's Guide to EverythingRaces Allowed: AnyAbility Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: Normal starting equipment and goldLeveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement.  When certain story milestones are reached,...
Rules for character creation Books Allowed: 2024 Players Handbook and Tasha's Guide to EverythingRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: Normal starting equipment and gold Leveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement.  When certain story milestones are reached, you will be instructed to level...
Session 0 – Character Creation Rules
Game Time:   Saturdays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: Campaign Length: 2-4 SessiongsSoftware Required: Web Browser, DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total Books Allowed: Core books onlyRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 5Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: 750 gp + normal stating equipment + one uncommon magic itemLeveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement....
A House Divided Session 0 – Character Creation Rules
Game Time:   Saturdays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: Campaign Length: Long TermSoftware Required: Web Browser, DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed: AnyRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 5Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: 750 gp + normal stating equipment + one uncommon magic itemLeveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method...
FGGAMEDAYS 2/16/23 – Dib's Wagon of Doom
The notorious goblin wrestler, Dib, is causing chaos in the town. After his defeat in his roadside fortress, he has been scheming his revenge. He has gathered a new group of weak followers and converted a stolen merchant wagon into a war machine. The wagon is powered by several goblins who, while loyal to Dib,...
COTO Session 1 – The Couatl Feather
The group of unique adventurers decide to have a few rounds of drinks at the Lucky Leap and end up getting scammed by members of the Golden Masks. After catching one of the thieves involved in the scam, they begrudgingly turn him over the the Red Cloak Lawgivers. Considering that they were taken for 200...
A Night of Fright Session 1 – The Haunted Mansion
Zoinks! Mystery LLC, the area’s leading mystery-solving meddlers, have received a mysterious invitation: they’ll get a fortune if they can spend a full night in a haunted house. But there are scares galore, and nothing is as it seems! They’ll need to look for clues and get to the bottom of this mystery if they...
FGGAMEDAYS 3/2/2023 – Zombie Farmhouse
Your group is struggling financially and desperately seeking funds. You are willing to try anything. Acting on a promising tip, the characters explore a deserted farmhouse in an area overrun by the undead. However, they soon find themselves trapped by hungry zombies with no means of escape. Will the group be able to escape with...
FGGAMEDAYS 2/9/23 – Tower of the Mad Mage
With a loud bang, the door flies open and slams against the wall, causing the hinges to groan in protest. Everyone in the Gambling Golem is taken aback as a goblin stumbles into the room. He is visibly injured, with dried blood covering large parts of his body. Just a moment ago, the sounds of...
COTO Session 0 – Game Rules and Character Creation
Game Time:   Saturdays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: Campaign Length: Long TermSoftware Required: Fantasy Grounds (No license required), DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total, 5 Needed Rules for character creation Books Allowed: AnyRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 5Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: 750 gp + normal stating equipment + one uncommon magic itemLeveling Up: This campaign will use...
FGGAMEDAYS 2/4/23 – The Horror of Ashwood Crypt
The adventure begins when the players receive a letter from their hometown of Ashwood from Talia the Innkeep informing them that some kind of evil has stirred beneath the church of Lathander and has begun to sweep across the town, with a large number of the townsfolk dead or missing.
FGGAMEDAYS 2/4/23 – Dibs Wagon of Doom
Embark on a thrilling journey with a Fantasy Grounds Beginner Game! Are you a fan of DND 5e but eager to master the world of Fantasy Grounds? This game is the perfect starting point! All you need is a demo account and the Fantasy Grounds software to join the adventure. Unleash your imagination and discover...
The terrifying SEQUEL to the PLATINUM bestselling, and Dragon+ Magazine featured horror adventure: The Haunt. Long, long ago St. Greycastle’s Hospital served the city through the years, mainly treating the wounded and sick among the militia. Over time, the lower basement was converted into a sanatorium, housing those who became maddened from enduring the violent,...
FGCON 2022: Game Rules and Character Creation
Here's the game schedule and character creation rules for FGCON 2022! FRIDAY, NOV 25 7PM-12AM (GMT-05)Case of the Unholy Murders [Streamed]8th Level Characters SATURDAY, NOV 26 7PM-12AM (GMT-05)Gifts of the Winter King [Streamed]8th Level Characters SUNDAY, NOV 27 1-5PM (GMT-05)Death Save Repeat [Streamed]4th Level Characters I'm looking for to gaming with everyone, it'll be a...
Not Curse of Strahd Session 7 – Dinner Invitation From The Devil
In this session of Not Curse of Strahd, the party heads out to Vallaki to protect Ireena. Arriving at the gates, Ismark explains who he is and why they are there. The guards being suspicious of the newcomers, do not let the rest of the group. Ismark suggests that they hang out at the lake,...
Not Curse of Strahd Session 6 – Care and Feeding of Your Vampire
The group grabs the burgomaster's coffin and heads to the chapel. FatOnher Donavich is in the run-down chapel praying as the party arrives. The group hears a scream coming from inside the chapel. After investigating, they discover that Donavich's son was one of those who took part in the Mad Mage's ill-fated attack on Castle...
Not Curse of Strahd Session 5 – No One Leaves Barovia
This session of Not Curse of Strahd finds our intrepid adventurers making there way into the town of Barovia. They quickly figure out that the town's favorite saying is “No One Leaves Barovia”. Eventually the adventurers make their way to Madame Eva's tent for the card reading. After spending the night with the Vistani and...
Not Curse of Strahd Session 4 – Pesky Werewolves
The party decides to put some distance between them and the Gates of Barovia. While traveling thru the full moon lit woods, they figure out that they are being hunted. Vargr Werewolves have been stalking them and attack. Grandma ends up either saving the day or starting a blood feud with a clan of Vargr....
Not Curse of Strahd Session 3 – Save Grandma and Get To The Gates
Is there any better way to introduce the players to the horrors of Barvoia other than dropping them into a cemetery populated by zombies? I used zombies from the Book of Beautiful Horrors. Bloated Zombies, Ravenous Zombies, Hordes, and even a Shambling Lord. The players discover that Grandma has been captured by the Shambling Lord....
Not Curse of Strahd Session 2 – Cat VS Mouse
Since the group was plane shifting, and we were a player short, it was a great opportunity to fuck with them. The group appears in a cabin with oversized furnishings. They learn that they have emerged into this world as mice, and there are two cats that are hungry.
Not Curse of Strahd Session 1 – Into The Necropolis
I've always had fond memories of playing Ravenloft when it was first released and I was really excited about Curse of Strahd. I have hosted two different groups for COS, but sadly both groups fell apart before the castle. When my Saturday group had finished their latest adventure, it seemed like the perfect time to...
Sailing the Harpy Coast Session 3 – Kracken TPK!
Nearing the harbor, the party is attacked by Roil the bronze dragon. The dragon wants the orb. In the midst of the attack, the dragon breaks off leaving our party stunned. For the dragon attack has provoked the mighty kracken. Things do not go well for the party. Can you say TPK? lol
City in Flames Session 2 – Ratmek Uses The Orb & Saves The Queen
The party returns to the castle with the duke to protect the queen. After fighting their way into the castle, they find the Queen is in danger. Ratmek is forced to use the orb in order to save her and the city. Afterwards the Queen decides to send them to the Knights of the Spire.