It's become quite popular to either stream your games to Twitch or upload game videos to Youtube. Creating custom screenshots for the game sessions is a hassle and can be time consuming.
In an effort to streamline the process, I have created the Session Number Decals extension for Fantasy Grounds.
Simply download and install the extension into your %appdata%\Fantasy Grounds\Extensions folder. Activate the extension when loading your campaign, and then you can easily change your decal to the current session number. You can find the decal setting in the Fantasy Grounds Options menu under game.
This extension is setup in 5 parts of 200 session numbers each.
Download Decal Extension 0-199
Download Decal Extension 200-399
Download Decal Extension 400-599
Download Decal Extension 600-799
Download Decal Extension 800-1000
Download Decal Extension 0-1000 (Single extension, not recommended)
NOTE: You will need to change the file extension from .zip to .ext before moving into your extensions folder.