Tomb of Annihilation C2 Session 3 – Velociraptor Attack
Heavy rains and swollen rivers make the group seek shelter where they are attacked by Velociraptors. They continue onto Camp Veganence.
Heavy rains and swollen rivers make the group seek shelter where they are attacked by Velociraptors. They continue onto Camp Veganence.
The jungles of Chult really suck. It’s hot, humid, with danger lurking everywhere. The party is attacked by zombies, and Bjorn gets dropped twice during the battle. On the 7th day in the jungle, they arrive at Camp Righteous. While exploring the ruins Diego experiences an instant death hit.
A death curse has struck the world. Anyone that’s been resurrected is dying. The party has been hired to help solve it. Once arriving in Chult, they hire Qawasha and Weed as guides for the expedition.
Game Time: Saturdays 7pm – 11pm EST Planned Start: Jan 11, 2019 Campaign Length: Long Term Software Required: Fantasy Grounds (No license required), Discord Roleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50 Number of players: 6 Total, 1 Needed Rules for Character Generation Books Allowed: Any, but please contact me if you plan to use Unearthed Arcana. Races Allowed: Any Character Alignment: No evil alignments…
“Wintermute was a simple cube of white light, that very simplicity suggesting extreme complexity.”
― William Gibson, Neuromancer