

Yaka is a cursed golden skull that has bonded with Orin, and as a result never leaves his side. Yaka is constantly talking and causes Orin to have disadvantage on all skill rolls.



Thwack! A kick to the head sent the world spinning left a dozen times, then back right a couple times, before the retching began. Orin the halfling spasmed in the muddy alley as the two thugs took turns kicking him. Orin had conned or outright stole whenever he could except from regular folk. The regular…

Diego Dela Vega

Diego Dela Vega

The half-elf laid on his back, the coastal rain landing heavy on his weakening body and despite the warm weather, the cold claws of Kelemvor’s hold is strengthening. The half-elf coughs and blood thickly pools in the back of his throat, some spitting out through his teeth to dribble out the corners of his mouth,…



He’s talkative, generous, daring and perhaps a little too impulsive. This is to be expected from somebody with his position. He was born in a middle class family in a merchant community. He lived out of trouble until he was about 11 years old, but at that point things changed. He did a lot of…