Not Curse of Strahd Session 7 – Dinner Invitation From The Devil
In this session of Not Curse of Strahd, the party heads out to Vallaki to protect Ireena. Arriving at the gates, Ismark explains who he is and why they are there. The guards being suspicious of the newcomers, do not let the rest of the group. Ismark suggests that they hang out at the lake,…

Not Curse of Strahd Session 6 – Care and Feeding of Your Vampire
The group grabs the burgomaster’s coffin and heads to the chapel. FatOnher Donavich is in the run-down chapel praying as the party arrives. The group hears a scream coming from inside the chapel. After investigating, they discover that Donavich’s son was one of those who took part in the Mad Mage’s ill-fated attack on Castle…

Not Curse of Strahd Session 5 – No One Leaves Barovia
This session of Not Curse of Strahd finds our intrepid adventurers making there way into the town of Barovia. They quickly figure out that the town’s favorite saying is “No One Leaves Barovia”. Eventually the adventurers make their way to Madame Eva’s tent for the card reading. After spending the night with the Vistani and…

Not Curse of Strahd Session 4 – Pesky Werewolves
The party decides to put some distance between them and the Gates of Barovia. While traveling thru the full moon lit woods, they figure out that they are being hunted. Vargr Werewolves have been stalking them and attack. Grandma ends up either saving the day or starting a blood feud with a clan of Vargr….

Not Curse of Strahd
Not Curse of Strahd

Not Curse of Strahd Session 3 – Save Grandma and Get To The Gates
Is there any better way to introduce the players to the horrors of Barvoia other than dropping them into a cemetery populated by zombies? I used zombies from the Book of Beautiful Horrors. Bloated Zombies, Ravenous Zombies, Hordes, and even a Shambling Lord. The players discover that Grandma has been captured by the Shambling Lord….

Not Curse of Strahd Session 2 – Cat VS Mouse
Since the group was plane shifting, and we were a player short, it was a great opportunity to fuck with them. The group appears in a cabin with oversized furnishings. They learn that they have emerged into this world as mice, and there are two cats that are hungry.

Not Curse of Strahd Session 1 – Into The Necropolis
I’ve always had fond memories of playing Ravenloft when it was first released and I was really excited about Curse of Strahd. I have hosted two different groups for COS, but sadly both groups fell apart before the castle. When my Saturday group had finished their latest adventure, it seemed like the perfect time to…

Not Curse of Strahd Session 0 – Character Creation and GM Notes
we will be starting curse of strahd at 10th level. 27 Point Buy, Max HP, 4000 gp, two uncommon magic items, normal starting equipment, two potions of greater healing. You will be 12-14th level when you enter the castle. There will be no magic items available for purchase in Barovia, so choose wisely. Some will…