HLHF Session 0 – Character Creation and Campaign Rules

Rules for character creation Books Allowed: 2024 Players Handbook and Tasha’s Guide to EverythingRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 1Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: Normal starting equipment and gold Leveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement.  When certain story milestones are reached, you will be instructed to level…

Session 0 – Character Creation Rules

Session 0 – Character Creation Rules

Game Time:   Saturdays at 7PM – 11PM ESTPlanned Start: Campaign Length: 2-4 SessiongsSoftware Required: Web Browser, DiscordRoleplay/Combat Mix: 50/50Number of players: 6 Total Books Allowed: Core books onlyRaces Allowed: Any Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculatorStarting Level: 5Hit Points: MAX hit points per levelStarting Gold: 750 gp + normal stating equipment + one uncommon magic itemLeveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement….