FGCON 2022: Game Rules and Character Creation
Here’s the game schedule and character creation rules for FGCON 2022! FRIDAY, NOV 25 7PM-12AM (GMT-05)Case of the Unholy Murders [Streamed]8th Level Charactershttps://warhorn.net/events/fg-con-2022/schedule/sessions/e13762cf-4371-4741-bab3-1405f0b5bddd SATURDAY, NOV 26 7PM-12AM (GMT-05)Gifts of the Winter King [Streamed]8th Level Charactershttps://warhorn.net/events/fg-con-2022/schedule/sessions/3e930744-34f0-4f8c-bf0c-4a7774be3d59 SUNDAY, NOV 27 1-5PM (GMT-05)Death Save Repeat [Streamed]4th Level Charactershttps://warhorn.net/events/fg-con-2022/schedule/sessions/4c1764c6-cdcc-42c9-bf8e-a397c2f4c356 I’m looking for to gaming with everyone, it’ll be a…

FG CON 14: The Haunt – That Damn Doll!
One of the games I ran during FG-CON 14 was The Haunt by P.B. Publishing. The group consisted of three 4th level characters that had be hired by the town’s mayor to investigate the disappearance of some travelers around an abandoned manor. The mayor suspects that highwaymen are hiding out in the manor and are…

FG-Con is a weekend long online convention for Fantasy Grounds. It’s a great way to meet new players and play in a one-shot game. If you haven’t played in an FG-Con, click the button to see upcoming events.