Rise of Tiamat Session 3

This “Rise of Tiamat” episode begins with humorous banter about Poppy's absence and exaggerated rumors. The party reaffirms their pursuit of Varram the White, noting two wells on their dungeon map. They take a long rest outside, during which a Tabaxi delivers a mysterious rock message, causing suspicion.

Continuing their exploration, they navigate a trapped hallway with a skeletal spear, narrowly avoided by Poppy. They enter a library and encounter the ghost of Yadirius, who reveals the library's books were likely taken by Yuan-ti and mentions a divination pool requiring a sacrifice. The party promises to return any found books. They then meet a regal figure resembling Dieterus on a throne, who demands tribute for insight.

They proceed to a stairwell and are ambushed by a golem, leading to a significant combat encounter. After defeating the golem, they enter a dining hall with five Barbed Devils, who reveal Varram passed through a specific door. The party avoids conflict and seeks another route. They discover a bedroom with bookshelves, but are attacked by ghosts and specters, resulting in another intense fight. Wog experiments with thorn growth to hinder the devils.

The party defeats the undead, finding only silk robes in the devil's room. They decide to take a long rest in the library to recover, planning to continue their pursuit of Varram and potentially return books to Yadirius in the next session.