The adventurers, traveling with a wagon train, reach a roadhouse where they discover cultists' crates have been stored in a strong room, accessible only via a key held by an orc supervisor. Ektar, transforming into a snake, infiltrates the storeroom and finds lizardmen moving “X”-marked crates through a hidden trapdoor. Upon Ektar's return, the party plans to infiltrate the storeroom, follow the lizardmen, and engage them in combat.
The session focuses heavily on this combat encounter with the lizardmen. Players grapple with combat mechanics, including advantage, inspiration, and spell effects, while the DM emphasizes action economy. There's discussion about friendly fire and character abilities. The combat is intense, with characters taking significant damage, including Poppy being reduced to one hit point. A confusing “moon beam” incident occurs, potentially due to Ektar's consumption of “good berries.” Agron uses healing magic to save Wog and Poppy. Wog gains advantage and attacks with a smite. The session concludes with the combat still ongoing.