The player characters, Argon, Ektar, Kalak, Poppy, and Wog, arrive in the town of Greenest to find it under attack by a dragon and raiding kobolds and cultists. They immediately begin rescuing civilians, starting with a family under attack. After escorting them to the relative safety of the keep, they are tasked by Governor Nighthill with rescuing more townspeople and gathering information. They use a secret tunnel to re-enter the town and engage in multiple combat encounters, including ambushes and a large-scale fight at a besieged temple. The party successfully rescues 24 villagers from the temple, evacuating them through a back entrance and back to the keep. After a short rest and receiving healing, the party surveys the ongoing attack from the keep walls. Governor Nighthill emphasizes the need for a prisoner for interrogation. The session concludes with the party leveling up to level two.