Session 1
The adventure begins in the town of Greenest, which is under attack by a dragon. The player characters arrive in Greenest. Ektar (human druid), Kalak (tiefling sorcerer), and Wog (Tortle) were traveling to find employment as caravan guards and seek adventure. Kalak was also asked by a friend to investigate rumors of increasing dragon activity. Argon (High-Elf Wizard) is an elven wizard looking to make his way in the world. Poppy (halfling fighter) comes from a sage background and wields a large warhammer.
During the attack, the characters rescue townsfolk and bring 27 people to the keep. They are commended by the governor for their actions. The session establishes the initial setting, motivations, and personalities of the player characters.
Session 2
After taking a long rest, the characters learn that the raiders are starting to withdraw. A creature resembling a dragonborn appears at the gates of the keep. Kalak suggests they should go and liberate the gold that was taken. The governor proposes that a small stealthy group follow the trail of the raiders who retreated southeast.
Session 3
This session focuses on the adventurers going to the raiders' camp. They capture a cultist, learn about the camp layout, and decide to tie him up and take his robes for disguise. The party takes a long rest before approaching the camp. They deal with the rear guard in a surprise attack, defeating several cultists, acolytes, and a veteran, taking significant damage. They take a short rest and then observe the main camp, noting guard towers, tents, and a heavily guarded tent near a cave. They identify a half-elf, Leosin Erlanthar, among the prisoners. The adventurers infiltrate the camp, encountering guards whom Argon puts to sleep. They find and free eight prisoners, including Leosin, who was investigating the raiders. They escape and return to Greenest, where they debrief with Governor Nighthill and are paid 250 gold pieces each. They also gain enough experience to level up to level 3 and take a several-day long rest.
Session 4
Steph (Argon's player) is absent. The governor summons the party, along with Leosin, who explains he was captured while researching dragon cult activity and suspected Greenest was the next target. Leosin suggests they should investigate the raiders' camp again to learn more.
Session 5
The party returns to the raiders' camp. Ektar, disguised in occult robes, and Wog, with cultist symbols drawn on his shell, manage to walk into the mostly abandoned camp. They explore a cave, bypassing a room full of guards, and encounter sturges and a drake training room where they fight some kobolds. They are left somewhat injured.
Session 6
The adventurers continue exploring the cave. They encounter more kobolds and a winged kobold. Poppy is knocked out in combat. They find some coin and amulets. They decide to proceed further into the cave.
Session 7
The party enters what appears to be guard barracks and a chamber room. They find a map of the surrounding areas showing attacked villages and a note mentioning “everything must be frayed at whatever resmir allowed us to keep”. They also find cult regalia and bad poetry about dragons. They capture a woman, Frulam Mondath.
Session 8
The party is resting and interrogating Frulam Mondath. She reveals there is a dragon nursery in the cave and that the cult is amassing treasure to the north to bring back the queen of dragons. The party manages to get back to Greenest with this information. Governor Nighthill informs them that Leosin has moved on to Elturel and suggests they meet him there or with a paladin named Onthar Frume. The adventurers are now level four.
Session 9
The session begins with a discussion about character level and ability score improvements. The party is traveling north on a wagon train. Vlog stays with his merchant, while the others consider drinking at a tavern during a rest stop. The merchant informs the party that their services are no longer needed as he has hired more experienced guards.
Session 10
The party continues traveling with the wagon train. They are heading north towards a roadhouse between Waterdeep and Neverwinter. Ektar transforms into a snake and discovers a secret trap door in the roadhouse's storeroom, seeing lizardmen taking crates marked with “X” down through it.
Session 11
The party is still at the roadhouse. Poppy is looking for a childhood friend named Thomas who may be involved with the Cult of the Dragon. Ektar, still in snake form and having trouble communicating, reports about the lizardmen and the trap door. The party plans to go down into the trap door.
Session 12
The party is discussing how to proceed at the roadhouse. The game master introduces new interface elements in Fantasy Grounds. They are planning to sneak into the storeroom and follow the lizardmen.
Session 13
Kalak's character sheet in Fantasy Grounds malfunctions. The party is likely proceeding with their plan to investigate the trap door at the roadhouse.
Session 14
The game master introduces a new “investigator” feature for note-keeping. The party had previously finished with some “ogre haircuts” and were moving on. They had also defeated a cult leader in a bathtub. The giant who owns the castle told them where the gold was located. They defeated Resmere. The party is back on the main ground floor of the roadhouse, deciding where to go next.