GMW Base Theme Public Domain Assets
Creative CommonsCC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
Creative CommonsCC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
The Elgato Stream Deck was designed to work with live streaming software like Open Broadcaster Software, Streamlabs OBS, X-Split, and others. The software has features for assigning hotkeys, opening browser tabs, launching programs, and multimedia support. Using these features, you can use the Stream Deck with Fantasy Grounds. You can assign a button to anything that…
I decided to use the rescue adventure hook for The Sunless Citadel. I figured that I would use the cliche opening of having a letter delivered to the group at the local tavern. Here is the letter that I created for this.
Easily create tokens using your web browser with RollAdvantage’s Token Stamp.
@everyone I had a lot of downtime this week, and I spent some time finalizing the upcoming games that I will be running. Saturday’s Strange Aeons – I would really like to wrap up this adventure path by Thanksgiving, if possible, or before Christmas at the latest. Balkoth has convinced me to continue to run…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KELL’N DUSKWEAVER FOUND DECAPITATEDMass murderer of Grungs no longer a threat. [LOST CITY OF OMU, CHULT, July 29, 2018] Tomb Dwarves, employed by Acererak, recovered the decapitated body of Kell’n Duskweaver from the Tomb of the Nine Gods. The Dwarves, Itchy and Scratchy, while preforming their duties of resetting the tomb’s traps,…
There are several ways to target tokens in Fantasy Grounds. Using CTRL Click is just one of the ways and it’s extremely simple to do.
There are several ways to target tokens in Fantasy Grounds. Using CTRL Click is just one of the ways and it’s extremely simple to do.
I’m doing prep work and needed a map of Oakhurst for the Sunless Citadel I couldn’t find one to my liking, so I quickly made one in Campaign Cartographer. Your welcome to use it for non-commercial games. This image is licensed under Creative Commons NonCommerical 4.0.
What It Does This extension will override the Combat Tracker default title, replacing it with the adventure name and session number selected from the options menu. The game name option has been pre-loaded with the module names from D&D 5e, Pathfinder adventure paths, Starfinder, and Call of Cthulhu. Game names also include generic ruleset names…
This script requires Linux to run. Get the source at Bitbucket. This bash script will generate custom session decals for the Fantasy Grounds desktop. Free free to modify my script, but give me credit by leaving in my announcement text. ## Required Software ## Linux bash imagemagick ### Configuration ### Edit and modify the…
Token locking in Fantasy Grounds is helpful feature for both the Player and the GM. Players benefit from being able to calculate distance and layout their movement. The GM will benefit from knowing the players intended movement. Here’s how to do it.
Learn how to draw pointers on the map in Fantasy Grounds. Pointers are a great way to show distance, spell effects, and damage radius. This Fantasy Grounds Quick Tip will have you drawing pointers in no time.
When you roll dice in Fantasy Grounds, they automatically return to the default position. Have you ever wanted to change that position to somewhere else? This Fantasy Grounds Quick Tip will show you how to change the default dice position.
Negating a extra damage roll, or number, in Fantasy Grounds. Method 1 – Hold CTRL while dragging Method two – Use the radial menu to negate value
There are three ways to roll multiple dice from the dice tray in Fantasy Grounds. 1. Radial menu – select number of dice Right click on the dice type you want to roll, and the radial menu will appear. Click on the number of dice you want to roll. Drag and drop dice in the…
“Wintermute was a simple cube of white light, that very simplicity suggesting extreme complexity.”
― William Gibson, Neuromancer