Rules for character creation
Campaign Adventures: several third party adventures from levels 1-12.
Books Allowed: 2024 Players Handbook and Tasha's Guide to Everything
Races Allowed: Any
Ability Scores: 27 Point Build Click for point buy calculator
Starting Level: 1
Hit Points: MAX hit points per level
Starting Gold: Normal starting equipment and gold
Leveling Up: This campaign will use a story-based method for character advancement. When certain story milestones are reached, you will be instructed to level up your character. Experience points for individual encounters will not be rewarded and therefore don’t have to be tracked.
Server Information
Foundry Game Server: Contact the DM for FG Server address
Discord Channel: GM Wintermute will send you a discord invite
Server Availability: The server will be up at least thirty minutes prior to scheduled game time. Should you need the server up at a different time (ie. to work on your character, effects creation, etc), simply contact the GM to schedule a time.
Game Rules
Minimum Number of Players: As long as we have three players online for a game, we will play. Absent players’ characters will not be included in the game play and profit sharing plan for that session. Should an absent player’s character be vital to the story line, the character will be played by the GM.
Dropping Out Of Game: If you should want to drop out of the game for any reason, let the GM know. We won’t get upset, yell at you or anything. Just say “Hey I’m out” and everything is cool.
Be Respectful Of Game Time: During game play, please remember that every player has made a commitment of their time to play this game. Be respectful of that and limit your AFKs during game play, especially during combat rounds. Unexpected interruptions will occur and we understand that. We are basically asking that you don’t become a player that is constantly AFK with phone calls, or other interruptions. If the group decides, after a few sessions, that a player is not being respectful of everyone’s time, you will be booted from the game.
Be Respectful of Other Players: We are all here to have fun, treat your fellow players with respect.
Adult Language: We use adult language. If your offended by strong language, this is not the game for you.
Rule Discussions: In order to maximize the amount of actual game play, we are going to handle rule discussions differently. Any rule discussions will be limited to 2 minutes in length. You have two minutes to state your position, and at that time I will make a ruling. If it’s a major rule question, the GM will open up the discussion to the group for an additional 3 minutes. The GM will then make a quick ruling and game play will continue. Further discussion on the rule question will be handled on the forum, or during game breaks. Should the forum discussions result in the changing of the quick ruling, game play will be adjusted where appropriate to compensate the incorrect ruling. Let’s keep it on the forum and not in the game.
Livestream Notice
Video Recording of Games: Games are livestreamed to Youtube, and Social Media. Please be aware that your voice is being recorded.